Saturday, July 25, 2009


I haven't posted in a long, long time so I will try to get some new stuff on here soon. I've temporarily gotten out of the astronomy hobby so I can concentrate more on photography. I can only afford one expensive hobby right now so some equipment was sold to fund new camera equipment purchases. More on that later. In the meantime, I'll share some photo slideshows from two fireworks shows we attended on the 3rd and 4th.

First is the Sugar Hill fireworks held on July 3rd and it was our first time attending this show. This location is just about two miles from our house which makes it easy to get in and get out. This was a pretty good show - we were quite impressed. The shells were mostly spaced far enough apart to allow for some easy photography. The wind was also in a favorable direction.

The next night we drove down to brave the huge crowds at Lenox Square Mall in the Buckhead area. We've been to this show a few times and it never fails to disappoint. A shorter show than Sugar Hill, but probably five times as many shells fired in the air in a fast and furious pace. Great for the die-hard fireworks fans, but challenging for photography. Along with that slight difficulty, the wind wasn't moving the smoke very much and towards the end of the show the wind was blowing the smoke right at us. Overall I was happier with my Sugar Hill photos but still glad I went to Lenox. The only downside to this show was the 2-1/2 hours to get home. A total traffic nightmare getting out of there!

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